Metal Technology Co. Ltd.




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We have company and technical brochures, and other AM and equipment information.

Documents List

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Company brochure

This document introduces MTC's vision, proprietary technologies, and company profile.

Technology brochure(Japanese)

This document is a Japanese version of technology information.

Technology brochure(English)

This document introduces our all core technologies, quality control, inspection and analysis.

HIP unit list

This document lists the HIP units owned by MTC and our group overseas. Specifications of each equipment unit are also introduced.

Hot press unit list

This document lists the Hot press units owned by MTC. Specifications of each equipment unit are also introduced.

Possible material combinations for brazing

This document introduces the combination of brazing materials for various base materials.

Compact Electron Beam Irradiation System "MIC1"

This document introduces a compact electron accelerator that can be used for material modification and EB sterilization.

Additive Manufacturing Consulting Guide(Japanese)

This document introduces the features and benefits of MTC's AM service with images and case studies.

New Registration Form

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